If you answer yes to any of these questions, you might not be a good candidate and you should contact us to discuss
● You should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no pre-existing health conditions. Signs of the cold or flu will results in rescheduling your appointment.
● Are you fitted with a Pacemaker?
● Have you had Thrombosis?
● History of Cancer, especially malignant melanoma, recurring non-melanoma skin cancer or pre cancerous lesions in the last 3 years?
● Is your skin prone to keloid scars?
● Any active infections?
● Autoimmune Diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematous or Porphyria?
● Liver Disease or any Liver Function Issues?
● Metal Implants, plates or Pins in the area?
● If your skin in prone to keloid scars this treatment should be avoided?
● Under the age of 18?
● Swollen or inflamed on or around the treatment area?
● Uncontrolled Diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues?
● Sun tanning prior to treatment and must not have deep tan
● Do you have Hyperpigmentation / Hypopigmentation?
● Treatment cannot be preformed if signs of Herpes simplex (cold sores when working in the lip area) It is
recommended you consult with their medical Doctor and begin taking doctor prescribed medication 3
days prior to treatment and 4 days following treatment.
● Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
● If you wear eyelash extensions, they must be removed prior to treatment of the eyelid.
● This treatment is only recommended on Fitzpatrick Scale 1-3
Please see diagram below.